Divine Downloads

Artwork by Cameron Gray

By now you’ve probably Seen and Heard some or all of this elsewhere. I don’t consider this Stream of Consciousness to be anything original, however, it may be the Gentle Spiritual Reminders that are much needed in the moment for all of us that have come to me through Divine Downloads. Truth Just IS. It shines a light and works magically. Once spoken, it continues to echo through the Great Mystery until it is heard. Take resonates with you and simply leave the rest. 

Choose Faith over fear. Many are still running false programs designed to invite submission to old world patriarchal system(s). Identifying these programs, rewriting  and Stepping Forth in Faith moves you into alignment with the Collective Empowerment of all beings present in this Physical Reality.

The Human Mind has no means at this ‘Time’ of comprehending The Magnitude of Consciousness present in The Universe, let alone anything beyond that.

Choose Love in every moment. Love defines the collective’s Source Energy and the Oneness of All.

Union with your Highest Love and all those in your experience is inevitable and necessary for us to accomplish manifestation of the Collective Desire for Love and Unity of all. Whether it’s a Soulmate or your Twin Flame, your Divine Union grounds in and projects Love and Unity into this Holographic 3D Reality. Being Committed to Union expands out as Commitment to Unity. This is a call to community Beyond Union.

Examine each aspect of your expression. Are you choosing with Love and Faith to serve The Greater Good? Is your job serving the greater good? Is your home open to Share With Others for the greater good? Are you sharing your Abundance (money, food, material possessions, wisdom, joy, talent, etc.) for the greater good? Are you speaking and acting for the greater good? Do you Receive What is Offered in Joy and Love for the greater good? Are you Seeking Wisdom for the greater good? Are you Planning and Dreaming for the greater good? Do you remember to Pray with Gratitude? Do you Genuinely Pray For Others?

Intuition Precedes Logic now more than ever before, following the guidelines above. Go where your Heart Desires. Go Where Your Mind Keeps Wandering To because There is a Plan outside of what you think you are able to control now. If you are called to Speak With Strangers, do so even if you unsure what to say at first. All Will Be Revealed. Follow the Clues of where your attention and curiosity are drawn. Those willing to Step Forward In Faith will be greatly rewarded.

Stay aware of Synchronicities in your experience. They are Guideposts and Signs offering you clues, and important messages leading you to Divine Assignments and Blessings On Your Path.

Solidarity is Powerful. Open Your Doors to those in need, and those in service. Encourage Unity within the duality. Walk each day with your Heart Wide Open. Ready your Heart and Mind to Receive New People into your experience beyond digital connections and your immediate Community. Seek out those you have previously discriminate against or feared to Shatter Illusions of Separateness. Reach out to those who seem different than you to Seek Commonality. Go wherever the people are and where you are called, whether it makes sense or not. Events, gatherings, busy places, churches, temples, and Anywhere Three or More Gather serves as an Invitation to Fellowship and an opportunity to Share Your Love and Light.

Search Your Heart for Clarity when receiving information, teachings and guidance from others. Authenticity, resonance, walking their talk, integrated understanding, and wisdom should all be present, and still the lessons may not be yours, now or later. Challenge all existing notions and Transmute Everything with Love and the Highest Possible Empowerment.

We all desire change, therefore, We Must All Change.

Everything perceived as harmful or painful has always had a Hidden Blessing within it, if you were Willing to See the potential of it all.

By simply speaking of Unconditional Love, you are co-creating conditional love. Love Just Is. It needs no qualifier.

Peace Without begins with Peace WithinLove begins with Self Love and radiates out to all those around you. Both are Boundless, Unlimited, and Accepting of all experiences Being Love (even when there are challenges) or a Call to Love. Nothing more.

Choose Victory, not victimhood. Forget your story and Remember Your Glory. Leave the past behind, used only for Reflections of contrast, Growth, and Gratitude. Look forward now toward Success, Fulfillment, and Joy on a collective level.

Speak to the Great Mystery everyday. Speak Gratitude and remain open to receive Opportunities to be of Service and  for the Desires that you know are on the hearts of all (i.e. union for all, abundance for all, healing for all, etc.). Know With Faith that what you pray for the collective also includes you and will also be granted you. Do your part to create that which you’re asking for. Walk In the Direction of Your Desires.

Offer your Gifts of Love to the world with Sacred Economics in mind. Release the Codes that bring anything less than your Fullest Authentic Expressions through a Thriving Life of Joy and Bliss.

If we are to create the New Earth, we must Liberate Ourselves of the old patriarchal paradigm. We must Be Mindful to Integrate all the Knowledge we have gained over these times of Awakening and Ascension into Wisdom, which is one of the highest aspects of The Divine Feminine.

Find all the most Useful Ways to Be of Service through your talents, skills, trades, arts, crafts. It no longer matters if you are a doctor, lawyer, teacher, healer, entertainer, farmer, line cook, customer service agent, or any other role, We Can Choose to see Equal Value and Equal Opportunity to Serve all regardless of any perceived lack of worth. Your Kindness Can Save Lives in ways you may never know in this incarnation. You have chosen this lifetime here, in this pivotal moment of Humanity’s Historical Paradigm Shift to Serve the Greatest Good of All Through the Individual Fulfillment of Each. That means that all Sentient Beings must Feel Seen, Heard, Acknowledged, and Loved for this Mission to succeed. What you have acquired in abundance, knowledge and skill are Gifts and Blessings that have been bestowed upon you In Trust through our Divine Mother and Father Creator. Through the Gift of Free Will, each of You Can Choose to Share Freely in Gratitude and Love with our Earthly Brothers and Sisters who have taken on more difficult experiences to Catalyze the Blossoming of Humanity’s Individual and Collective Hearts. We have the ability to Restore the Conduit of Abundance in all forms and Activate Prosperity Consciousness as a manifested 3D Experience for all beings, and it doesn’t even have to involve currency.

Be Mindful to remember how Inspirations and Visions come to you from, and belong to the Collective Consciousness. Anything we Attract in the form of ideas come from the One Source we all have access to – and arrive in the form of Answers to Questions – we have all asked in some way or another. Understanding this can help us all avoid ego traps and ideas of ownership or competition. The Best Ideas are entrusted to Those Who Resonate with them, simply as an opportunity to Make the Answer Manifest. Sometimes, we receive these Divine Downloads to simply share what comes to us as Echoing Reminders to another, and therefore, it’s important we are Open to Receive them without the notion of ownership or obligation to implement. Know that all the Greatest Solutions that are Of Service to the Collective will be implemented by the Souls Chosen to do so. Your Divine Inspirations are not necessarily your Divine Assignments if a clear path is not revealed. Remain Grateful, yet Unattached To The Outcome. Openly and lovingly share solutions, ideas, philosophies, Positive words and Visions with those whom your Intuition Guides You to.

For those being drawn to New Places, go. For those of you who have been without and struggling to obtain traditional employment, Rejoice in the Graduation of that stage of your experience. Meditate to ask what your Divine Assignment is now.

For those who have lost your children, are having challenging relationships with them, or are finding yourself incapable of doing what you think you are meant to for them, Surrender and Trust the Divine Plan. This may simply be for each of you to Hold Space for the other’s Growth and Lessons, and Healing. Our souls are much wiser than our egos and perceptions.

For those who have found themselves without a home, Keep Moving and Serving wherever you can until your new Community and Home reveal themself with Ease and Effortlessness. In addition to being mobile Points of Light as we expand the New Planetary Grid, those who can Quickly Adapt and Stay Surrendered and In The Flow with Love and Gratitude in their hearts are able to take on Divine Assignments with people and in places where there is an urgent need.

For those of you experiencing death of loved ones, celebrate their life and Ascension Into the Collective Consciousness. This form of Graduation beyond their Physical Avatars is the result of their Divine Purpose having been completed, and now (regardless of their egoic identities, beliefs, energies, etc. prior to their death) they are better Able To Serve in spiritual and energetic ways as a Greater Support to the Missions of World Peace and Planetary Restoration.

For those ‘feeling stuck’ regardless of how hard you try to move in the direction you want to, Become Still and Present. Listen to your Inner Voice. It will Guide You In the Right Direction to show you the point of resistance. It may be that you are attempting to move in the wrong direction due to attachment, that you are being Divinely Protected through the delays, subconscious fears that are sabotaging your manifestation, or any other number of ‘blocks’ that you will need to clear. Follow Your Intuition to the answer and you will quickly be Moving In The Right Direction again.

For those holding unforgiveness, it is time to Forgive All. If you are still judging others or becoming offended, Love Unconditionally and accept what it is telling you about you, not the other. Some of this may be difficult to hear, and this does not negate the emotions felt and the boundaries necessary at times, however, there are reasons you may not be able see now that will reveal themselves later that will explain all that has happened. If you cannot offer Unconditional Love and Acceptance for someone in your experience, move out of their experience, as you become the negative energy in their reality. We all have Unique and Individual Experiences As God, For God and this will be evident as many more Step Forward in their most Authentic Expression.  In order to Manifest World Peace, all negative perceptions of others must be cleared out of us so our Human Experience can Transcend All Illusions of Separateness and progress into a Peaceful World of Co-Existence.

Speak In Empowering Words and Ways. Use words and ideas, Inward and Outward, that Empower Yourself and Others. Mindfulness is Necessary to ensure that you are Inwardly Empowering Yourself by being Consciously Aware of the thoughts and words that surface in your Internal Atmosphere, and that you Reprogram Your Inner Voice in all the places that no longer serve. Knowing that We Are All One and Infinitely Connected to each other energetically, it is important to Be Aware of the Messages and Codes you are sending to the Collective Conscious to specific individuals or groups, in addition to the Vibration and Frequency your negative projections and psychic attacks are affecting the whole. If we wish for World Peace, we must evolve our mind into an Environment of Peace.

Be mindful of what energies you are taking in. It Is Important to Be Aware of what is happening on Mother Earth, and it is equally important to bring ourselves to a Neutral Perception of events – at minimum – to Preserve Your Vibration and Frequency. We cannot heal what we are not willing to look at, however, we can Choose Neutrality until we are able to Look At All Things Through The Lens of Love and Compassion and able to Find the Gift of Opportunity to Serve around the Current Events On Gaia.

What you find yourself regularly resisting in others are Echoing Messages From Source. They are Universal Invitations for you to Go Within to examine where you are still in need of Internal Healing and Greater Alignment with your Heart and Soul. Have Gratitude and Reverence For Your Messengers, whether you choose to continue your path with them or not.

Anything and anyone that teaches or encourages limitation, lack, scarcity, fear, separation, discrimination, inequality, judgment, superiority or inferiority, etc. is false! The Collective Truth is Unlimited Potential, Oneness, Unity, Infinite Possibility, Prosperity & Abundance, Faith, Love, Equality, and Justice. Those promoting false ideas are either knowingly or unknowingly Planting Seeds that can no longer Give Fruit in this Rapidly Evolving Paradigm Shift into a New Era of Peace.

R-Evolution, Progress, and Positive Change can be Swift and Peaceful. Violence and disrespect towards self or others is no longer necessary. Those who will be martyrs are intended as martyrs and is not planned by the individual. You do not choose your martyrdom. You are encouraged to Choose Ahimsa In Thought, Word and Deed. Destruction is no longer necessary. Transformation is Inevitable. Peace Will Prevail.

You are Loved, Supported and Celebrated far more than you realize. All The Greatest Blessings Will Be Bestowed Upon You in the Perfect Divine Timing. The manifestation of Your Truest Heart Desires are inevitable. Your willingness to Be Authentic and Genuine in the Vibration of Love is all that is needed for you to Receive That Which Is Destined To Be Yours. With this in your heart and mind, Pay It All Forward.

Spread Awareness, Positive & Empowering Messages, Love, Light and Healing wherever you go. Simply sharing content such as this has Reverberations of Love and Light in very tangible ways. If it has helped, inspired, validated, and/or comforted you it can do the same for another.

∞ May We All Be Infinitely Blessed! 

Please consider offering a financial gift of any size (one time or monthly) to support Nikki Starseed’s Ministry of Love and Mission of Peace. 
If you feel ready to work one on one with Starseed, you may also book a session with her
to experience the Divine Gifts she brings into this realm. 

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The Heart of Christ – The True Divine Masculine

My life has been a Whirlwind of Lessons the past couple of months and part of that is greater Clarity of who, what, and how the Divine Masculine is. I don’t need to be masculine to know. Why? Because I am Goddess embodying the Divine Feminine, the Creatrix. Each and every one of us is, and in our Heart of Hearts we already Know what we have chosen, on an individual basis and as a Collective Consciousness. Those of us who truly Embody and Channel the Divine Feminine Energy of Goddess have even Greater Vision of what it looks like, as we are the ones consistently connecting to that aspect of Source Creator that holds the Codes of Truth and carry the Sophia Codes. Not only are we keenly aware of what We Desire from the masculine, but we Know we are here to Manifest it within the construct of what already is. In other words, we are Working With The Universe to ‘create’ something in our reality that already exists within The Realm of Infinite Possibility.

Recently, I went through a very abrupt, challenging, and painful break up with someone I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life with. It is clear to me now that I had some blindspots, and yet, even with those I still Know it didn’t have to happen the way it did. The relationship had to end. How he chose with his Free Will to end things was Light Years away from standing in his Greatest Potential and absolutely outside of the Sacred Circle that holds the qualities of the Christed Divine Masculine that he claimed to be. Being completely honest, I knew he wasn’t embodying such a title yet, but the Goddess within me Loves Him so much that I truly felt that he was progressing, and with Unconditional Love I could Hold Space for what he needed to Become for himself. Regardless, in the Higher Dimensions, I can see it all, but as a Human it doesn’t make it hurt less or make more sense to the Inner Child that is struggling to understand how someone could Profess Love Loudly, publicly, and profusely, and Offer His Life to walk with me as a Guardian, Lover, Beloved, and Devotee of Goddess, and then disappear with another just hours later after having reaffirmed those ‘vows’. Please forgive me for the Human Experience I still exist in.

Moving forward, as I heal my broken heart alongside so many of my Sisters, I have Profound Clarity on who He will be and how the Divine Masculine actually represents himself when In Alignment. Although this has been a subject I have Meditated, Prayed and Dwelt on for many years, my Experience has catalyzed a great level of Awareness and Insight on what it is my Divine Feminine sisters truly want, desire, and deserve. I have worked with many Goddesses over the past 21 years, many of them very Enlightened and Empowered, and I have been able to identify the ‘Universal Truths’ based on what the most Conscious Women I know Crave and Seek.  And now, in light of all my work on myself in that relationship and prior to it, I’m already being rewarded in Magickal Ways!

He Is…

Loyal to Her

Upon Awakening, and perhaps before that, he is Aware that there is One he is looking for. With that Realization Illuminated he learns to control his body’s temptations and Keeps His Temple Holy and Sacred for Her. He realizes that all temptations from the feminine are his training to stand in greater and greater Christ Love, which is partially represented through strengthening his Willpower and stops acquiescing to his Lustful Temptations of the Flesh so he can walk the Earth in the Sacred Union that awaits Him or faces him. He is prepared for Sacred Sexuality and in True Reverence of the Divine Feminine and the Holy Grail she represents. This organically makes him a Passionate and Generous Lover who is ready to Please and Be Pleased.

Accountable and Has Integrity

While acknowledging his Human Imperfections, he uses the power of his own Unconditional Love of Self to take Responsibility for the places he knows he has stepped out of Integrity and is quick to Apologize and Heal wherever it is needed within him and with others. He seeks every possible way to see himself with an Open Mind and Heart that shows him the Truth of how he can expand into even greater Authentic Christ Consciousness, and therefore, sees his mistakes and failures as his Greatest Teachers while always being open to Hearing the Messengers that come with Repeating Messages to him, knowing that they are his Highest Self communicating something he has not been willing or able to hear.  He is always open to considering the possibility that he may be the least enlightened person on the planet for the sake of his Continual Evolution.

Honoring of Mother Earth

Having realized he exists as a Devotee of Goddess, he acknowledges the Earth as his Mother. He is willing to go to Great Lengths to insure that he is a part of the Restoration of Earth and all that dwells upon her. He is able to take every Sentient Being into consideration over his Primal Desires so The World May Know Peace through his efforts and examples. He remembers that Everything Is One and when he harms anyone or anything, he is harming himself.  He sees All Beings as Equally Important and sees the Divinity in the roles they play and paths they choose. He is Harmonious In and With Nature, able to Co-Exist with it and harness its offerings in a Symbiotic Relationship that allows him and those he loves to Thrive while using Regenerative Ways to assist nature to thrive as well, giving back more than he takes.


Having worked through the challenging aspects of his wounding and Making Peace with his own shadows allows him to remain Present in situations that could potentially be triggering.  He is able to make himself the Center of His Own Universe and deal with others with Sovereign Equanimity without adding conflict to any given situation.  He is able to Hear Truths Being Spoken to him without taking things personally and stepping into a defensive role. He is able to bring Love and Light to every scenario involving conflict, and do so in a persuasive way that allows others to Surrender to Love and Peace. He has harnessed his Righteous Anger and aggression so as only to bring it to the surface in the most urgent scenarios where he is Protecting Another in the name of Ahimsa.

Purpose Driven

As he continues to step into His Own Greatness, he has discovered his True Purpose and arranged his life to reflect his Mission for Humanity. With the Mission Mindset, he also remains open to Collaboration in the name of Unity Consciousness and realizing that All Missions are One. His sense of competition remains within himself as he only competes within for greater and greater results from himself. He has a Dedication to Service, while having evolved past the slave mentality.  He has stepped into the Conduit of Abundance and has chosen to Embrace Generosity as the Flow of Abundance comes to and through Him in many ways. He has already begun to Carve His Own Path while allowing Space for Her to arrive and effortlessly ease into his Template of Destiny he has Accessed Within.


His Conscious Awakening has lead him to see all the Gifts and Blessings before him. He is Grateful For All That Has Been because it has guided him to Become the God that He Is. His gratitude allows him to Surrender and Expand even more into Universal Awareness of what is beyond this realm, which allows him to Quantum Leap into a realm of Infinite Abundance. He is grateful for all that comes to him in the form of Wisdom, Healing, Challenge, and any other expression that invites him into his Apotheosis.


His life is a magnificent Expression of Passion! In all things and in all ways he is Passionate and Present with himself and all those around him. In every moment he is Making Love to Goddess through the Universe in all his expressions and in every situation that arises, with each Breath and each step he takes on his own and alongside Goddess. He Values Life greatly and feels it deep in his core, understanding the Reverent nature of everything, literally expressing himself as Divinity Incarnate, playing in the Earthly Realm as a Creator.

Creative and Authentic 

The Christed Masculine has Liberated Himself and opens himself up to be a Channel of Divinity that expresses the Love and Light of the original Creator Parents in Authentic ways that are In Alignment with Universal Love. With each step and each breath he accesses more of his Core Being, the fractal expression of God he is here to live this Experience as, and Knows Himself deeper than any other, while finding Creative Outlets and Self Expressions that call to the Heart of his True Beloved whom he was Made Perfect for. His Self Evolution is consistent, because he has Embraced the Truth that all life is Flow and Always Evolving. He freely shares his emotions, challenges and thoughts with transparency to Set an Example for other Awakening Masculine beings. He embraces his own heart with Tenderness and Self Love.


The Divine Masculine is Generous and Giving in all ways. Fully aware that he exists in a Conduit of Abundance, he freely Shares His Abundance – in all forms – with Faith and Trust that the Universe will keep the flow moving as swiftly as he does.  He gives from a place of Love and Allows His Heart to guide him to the most Conscious and Worthy Causes and People to Give To. He is grateful for the opportunity to Pamper His Queen in every way, and is Eager to Dote on Her Body and Passionately Love Her through Physical Expression. As has already been stated, he is a Passionate and Generous Lover in all the ways she receives him because He Knows she will return it manifold in a Multitude of Ways.

Strong and Courageous

A knight in shining armor has not had his Metal Tested. The Christed Masculine is one who was primed for Compassion and Empathy through his own challenges.  His metal comes dented and scuffed from his own inward and outward battles that have Strengthened and Purified him. He has wandered the desert for 40 symbolic days of Self Exploration to re-emerge with Clarity and Conviction that bestows him with the Strength and Courage to do what he must.  He is strong enough to practice Ahimsa, holding himself Peaceful in all moments of conflict that he can, and Capable of Defending Another if necessary. He has the Strength to withstand Lilith in order to reach Sophia. He is Strong and Brave when taking his Light Into the Darkness. He is Strong Enough to Cry and Be Vulnerable as an Example to Others. He is strong and courageous in facing the wounds and wiles of the Wild Divine Feminine. He knows that she represents all that is and courageously Shines His Light For Her.

Along other individual variables, these 10 Desires are Cornerstone Definitions of what the Divine Feminine seeks in the Divine Masculine. While there are many that embody these already, there are many more to come as Earth’s Greatest Apocalypse yet unfolds. Hold Steadfast and Faithful, sisters. He Is Coming.  This is what defines the Second Coming of Christ – the Divine Masculine Waking Up to His Greatness and stepping into the Crystallized Light we know signifies the imminence of Heaven on Earth. It is the actualized Vibration and Frequency of the Divine Unions we all know are intended in honor of Universal Balance that matches the Universal Law of Polarity and the Universal Law of Duality as we come that much closer to true Sacred Oneness. It is inevitable because the Universe is always Seeking Balance and does what it must to Correct All Imbalances.

In other words, the wobbly nature of what has been happening on this planet is already Self Correcting. It can be, at times, challenging to see past the Illusion of Time in the 3rd Dimension while existing in the lower states of consciousness we have been in, however, the Pendulum Is Swinging and this Planetary Shift from the perspective of the Cosmic Mind is happening in just seconds compared to the Infinite Nature of All That Is. This has all been a Playful Dance of Mother and Father Creator stepping away from one another for just the Blink of an Eye, and all is coming back together as I type this. As we walk forward in this time, sisters, continue to Inquire Within and find all the ways you can identify in you that require more Balance and Harmony that can insure you are Matching Him when yours comes home.

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