369 words on Heyoka Medicine

The Heyoka exists to test each and everyone of your judgments, blind beliefs, notions, perceptions, fears, imbalances, illusions, misaligned choices, and ‘bad habits’. Without a word, their very presence triggers all things inauthentic to rise to the surface for YOU to see. And yet, there’s always the almost irresistible intuition and empathic drive to mirror you to you in the most authentic way they can.
For the one receiving Heyoka medicine, if mindful they are able to reflect and see themselves and offer gratitude for the heyoka manifesting into their experience… and the unconscious ones are quickly and inexplicably pushed to explode into the purge of that which is being challenged in the being receiving the medicine. Each individual will be given the opportunity to see themselves deeper as the thunder from the Heyoka’s lightning bolts of TRUTH rumble through their body, mind, and soul.
Heyoka Medicine is even more present on this planet than ever before, and yet, heyokas are rarely seen for what they are immediately, and sometimes are never acknowledged as such. Yet, they truly are ‘divine mirrors’ magnified and they come at the most crucial moments in your experience for the purpose of allowing you the opportunity to initiate your own breakthrough that will allow you to make quantum leaps in your self realization and actualization. We also must not forget that the medicine works from one heyoka to another as well.
Inevitably, the choice will be to blame the heyoka or become more empowered and evolved by the heyoka, leading to gratitude. Only you can make the choice. It must be understood, however, that to blame the heyoka for your trigger begins and/or accelerates cycles of victimhood, which then opens the doors that invite more heyokas into your experience that can authentically demonstrate your patterns of self victimization until you choose to empower yourself…. in this lifetime or another.
Most of us have heard the adage that says, ‘you never know when you’re hosting an angel’. You can simply replace angel with Heyoka. We come in all shapes, sizes, colors, ages, paths, and genders (or lack thereof). And now that you know, you have the ability to choose how you will see your triggers.
to experience the Divine Gifts she brings into this realm.
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